My welding process needs an upgrade. How can I make it happen?

My welding process needs an upgrade. How can I make it happen?

My welding process needs an upgrade. How can I make it happen?

My welding process needs an upgrade. How can I make it happen?

 We recommend taking one step at a time into automation and robotics. If your company currently uses manual welding, start with welding jigs, positioners, and simple standard robot cells. Jigs and positioners alone will speed up positioning and turning, improving welding process efficiency by up to 45 per cent. However, they are not enough on their own to reach the required level of competitiveness. Simple robot cells are a good way to upgrade production from manual welding to the next level. Initially, an investment in robotics will require human resources in particular.


Using robotics to automate production is an investment that requires no less than full commitment from management. The investment is part of a larger whole of active long-term development of processes and production stages. The end result will be an exponential improvement in operational efficiency – as long as the start and the deployment of the new processes are executed with due care.



Robots need skilled personnel to feed them materials, program the welding, and monitor operations. Robots are not fully autonomous and hence not a replacement for employees. What robots will do is free up people from physical welding tasks to do thinking instead. More advanced robotics will introduce higher and more complex technology, requiring more skills from operators.



Robots will necessitate higher accuracy and tighter tolerances in products. For robot welding to yield material improvements in end product quality, the product must be designed for robot welding. It is fair to say that products must be refined to match the different levels of robotics – technical requirements will increase as advances are made.

If you want more information, download our Buyers guide below!


What is the best robotic solution for you?


Versatile robotic units automate production, enabling round-the-clock operations. Where to start and how to develop the robotics further? Our Buyer’s Guide for robotic cells explains in further detail how robot welding increases production efficiency and how to integrate robotics into the manufacturing process. Download the guide and contact us for more information!

Buyer’s guide:
Robotic cells:

How you can use robotics to upgrade welding?

Robotics can satisfy increased quality requirements and tighter delivery schedules without excessive costs. As competition gets tougher, companies must achieve quick, high-quality, and cost-effective production to keep up. This is what robots do.

Jucat offers tailormade solutions for your robot welding needs

  • Designed and assembled by Jucat
  • Different welding techniques
  • Different levels of automation
  • Using ABB Robotics

What You Need to Know About Laser Welding Fundamentals

What You Need to Know About Laser Welding Fundamentals

What You Need to Know About Laser Welding Fundamentals

What You Need to Know About Laser Welding Fundamentals

Laser welding is a complex process that requires a thorough understanding of the fundamentals in order to achieve the best results. As laser welding technology continues to evolve, it is important for factory managers and production managers to stay up-to-date on the latest advancements and techniques. This blog post will provide an overview of laser welding fundamentals and explain why it is essential to have a good understanding of the process.

The Basics of Laser Welding

Laser welding is used to join two or more materials together using a focused beam of light energy. This process is used in industries such as automotive, aerospace, medical device manufacturing, and electronics assembly. In laser welding, the material being welded absorbs energy from the laser beam which causes it to melt and then solidify as it cools down. The result is a welded joint that has superior strength and accuracy compared to traditional methods such as arc welding.When performing laser welding, it’s important to keep in mind several key factors that can affect the quality of the welds. These include power density, focusing optics, speed of travel (or how quickly the laser moves over the joint), type of material being welded (metals or plastics), joint geometry (such as gap size), and shielding gas (used for certain materials). All these factors work together to determine whether or not you achieve successful welds with each attempt.

Advantages of Laser Welding

The advantages of laser welding include its precision and accuracy, repeatability, improved productivity, higher quality results with less rework needed, reduced heat distortion in delicate parts or components, elimination of hazardous chemicals and fumes associated with other types of welding processes, cleanliness due to no spatter or slag buildup on parts being welded, ability to use equipment with minimal setup time required between jobs, lower costs due to reduced manpower requirements for certain applications, less waste produced since there are no filler metals needed in most cases. Additionally, many lasers today come equipped with advanced features such as automated focus adjustment for quick setup times between jobs.


In conclusion, laser welding has revolutionized traditional manufacturing processes by providing greater accuracy and control than ever before. It is essential for factory managers and production managers who utilize this technology understand its fundamentals so they can make informed decisions about their operations. With its advantages such as improved productivity and higher quality results at lower costs than alternative methods; understanding laser welding fundamentals may be one of the best investments you can make for your business!

Jucat offers tailormade solutions for your robot welding needs

  • Designed and assembled by Jucat
  • Different welding techniques
  • Different levels of automation
  • Using ABB Robotics

How Welding Automation Is Revolutionizing Manufacturing

How Welding Automation Is Revolutionizing Manufacturing

How Welding Automation Is Revolutionizing Manufacturing

How Welding Automation Is Revolutionizing Manufacturing

Automation has been revolutionizing manufacturing processes since its inception, and welding is no exception. By automating welding processes, companies can increase their production output, reduce scrap material, and improve product quality. As a result, many manufacturers are turning to welding automation to help them stay competitive in the 21st century. Let’s take a look at some of the ways welding automation is transforming the manufacturing industry.


Increased Production Output

By automating welding processes, manufacturers can dramatically increase production output by reducing labor costs and improving accuracy. Automated systems can complete tasks quickly and consistently with minimal supervision, which reduces downtime and allows for higher throughput. Additionally, automated systems are capable of performing complex tasks that manual welders may not be able to do as quickly or accurately. This increases efficiency across all levels of production and ensures that companies remain competitive in the global market.


Reduced Scrap Material

Automated welding systems are incredibly accurate and precise due to their advanced sensors and computer-controlled programming capabilities. This minimizes waste due to errors or miscalculations which would otherwise result in scrapped material or lost time on repairs. In addition, automated systems can be programmed with specific parameters that allow for tighter tolerances than manual systems can achieve without sacrificing speed or accuracy.


Improved Product Quality

One of the biggest benefits of automation is improved product quality due to increased accuracy and precision over manual processes. By eliminating human error from the process, manufacturers can ensure that each product meets exact specifications and requirements every time it goes through the production line. This level of consistency is difficult to achieve with manual labor, but easy with automated systems. Furthermore, automated systems are also capable of detecting defects much faster than humans can which helps reduce delays caused by faulty products or components being sent down the line for further processing or assembly.



Welding automation is a game-changer for many manufacturing companies because it allows them to improve their production output while reducing scrap material and improving product quality simultaneously—all without having to hire additional personnel or invest in more expensive equipment. Automated welding systems are incredibly accurate and precise thanks to their advanced sensors and computer-controlled programming capabilities which makes them ideal for meeting tight tolerance requirements while still achieving high throughput rates without any human intervention necessary. If you’re looking for an efficient way to optimize your manufacturing processes without breaking the bank then investing in welding automation might just be what you need!

Jucat offers tailormade solutions for your robot welding needs

  • Designed and assembled by Jucat
  • Different welding techniques
  • Different levels of automation
  • Using ABB Robotics

Unlocking the Benefits of Welding Positioners

Unlocking the Benefits of Welding Positioners

Unlocking the Benefits of Welding Positioners

Unlocking the Benefits of Welding Positioners

What Are Welding Positioners?

Welding positioners are devices used to rotate or tilt workpieces in order to make it easier for welders to access them from multiple angles. This allows welders to perform their job faster and more accurately than if they had to manually move the workpiece around in order to reach all the necessary spots.

Time Efficiency

Welding positioners enable faster fabrication times. They help to reduce time spent on setup by allowing workers to easily rotate and tilt pieces into perfect position for welding. This eliminates manual effort and enables operators to move quickly from one job to another with minimal downtime in between. It also eliminates guesswork when it comes to positioning pieces for welding, reducing errors as well as wasted time due to inaccuracies in setup.

Cost Reduction

Using a welding positioner can also save you money by reducing labor costs associated with production. The time saved by utilizing a welding positioner can be used more efficiently elsewhere in the shop or factory floor—resulting in fewer hours spent on production and more cost savings over time. Additionally, since welding positioners are designed for long-term use and reliability, they require less maintenance than manual methods like clamping or jigging systems—saving you additional money in upkeep expenses over the long run.

Quality Improvement

Welding is often a difficult process that requires skill and precision. A welding positioner helps make sure all welds look exactly alike by ensuring consistently accurate positioning throughout production runs. Additionally, these devices help improve weld quality by eliminating human error caused by fatigue or inexperience—which can result in costly scrap or rework down the line if not addressed correctly up front.

Reduced Risk of Injury

One of the biggest benefits of good ergonomics is that it can help reduce the risk of developing musculoskeletal injuries. These types of injuries are very common in the workplace, and can often be quite debilitating. They can cause pain and discomfort in the neck, shoulders, back and wrists, among other areas. In extreme cases, they can even lead to long-term disability.vBy making a few simple adjustments to your workstation, you can greatly reduce your risk of experiencing these types of injuries. Ergonomic modifications like welding positioners can go a long way towards improving comfort levels and preventing strain or injury.

Improved Productivity

In addition to reducing the risk of injury, good ergonomics can also help improve productivity at work.


Welding positioners are powerful tools that help maximize efficiency, minimize labor costs & sick leave, and ultimately improve weld quality throughout production runs. They enable faster fabrication times, eliminate guesswork associated with manual setup techniques like clamping or jigging systems, and reduce human error caused by fatigue or inexperience while increasing accuracy across all welds produced with them. If you’re looking for a way to save money while improving your product’s overall quality–investigating welding positioners may be your best bet!


Jucat offers a wide range of welding positioners

  • Lifting capacity up to 32000kg
  • Head-tail positioners, L-table positioners, stand-alone positioners
  • For tailored solutions contact our sales team!

Jucat JCL - L-table positioner

Jucat JCP - Head-tail positioner

Jucat Hummeri - custom positioner

A mobilised workpiece positioner removes production bottlenecks and saves time

A mobilised workpiece positioner removes production bottlenecks and saves time

A mobilised workpiece positioner removes production bottlenecks and saves time

A mobilised workpiece positioner removes production bottlenecks and saves time

Workpiece positioners are traditionally bolted in place and workpieces are moved from one device to the next phase using a crane. One production line may contain several, and even dozens, of workpiece positioners depending on the length and number of phases of the production chain. Not much time is wasted if devices are designed to ensure that workpieces can be attached and detached as quickly and safely as possible, without many detachments in the chain.

But the more attachments and detachments there are, the larger the bottleneck they form in production. We have turned the setup on its head: now the product stays in place and the workpiece positioner moves. Jucat’s new mobilised, battery-powered workpiece positioners can be moved from place to place and from workstation to workstation as necessary – either with or without the product. This brings a whole new level of productivity and effectiveness to production, and saves time!

What are the practical advantages of a mobilised workpiece positioner in production? We’ve listed five:

1) Save time – significantly fewer attachments and detachments

Let’s look at an example. If a production chain contains 15 phases that require a workpiece positioner, up to three hours can easily be spent on simply detaching, moving, and attaching products. Not to mention that you often have to wait for a crane, too. One mobilised workpiece positioner can be run through the product’s entire chain without needing to detach it at any phase. And you only need a crane at the start and end of the chain.

2) You can work on the workpiece while it is moving

Moving a workpiece from one traditional workpiece positioner to another stops production work and forces people and subsequent work phases alike to wait for the move to be complete. In a mobilised workpiece positioner, it is possible to rotate, lift or lower the product while moving it, as it is conveniently attached to the positioner.

3) A mobile workpiece positioner adds adaptability to a production space

The placement of traditional workpiece positioners must be considered carefully, as they cannot be moved in the blink of an eye. As they are bolted to the floor, use of the device is restricted to a single point, and more floor space is required as the device cannot be moved out of the way. Mobilised workpiece positioners can be moved as required, which frees up valuable floor space and provides the opportunity to adjust the layout of production.

4) A single mobilised workpiece positioner can replace several traditional positioners

A single production line may contain dozens of phases that require a workpiece positioner. This means that you also need dozens of traditional workpiece positioners that are affixed to the floor. A mobilised workpiece positioner, on the other hand, moves throughout the entire production chain without needing to be detached until the end of the chain. It can even replace all of the static workpiece positioners in the line. This also minimises the need for a crane, as the workpiece will need to be moved significantly fewer times. The share of productive work increases as auxiliary phases are weeded out of the chain.

5) Safety and ergonomics improve further

The reduction in attachments and detachments is also seen as improved efficiency and flexibility in occupational safety, as the greatest risks relate precisely to detaching and moving products from one device to another using a crane. The improvement in occupational safety and ergonomics is significant, especially in comparison to a situation wherein a workpiece is worked on while on a crane. As with all of our workpiece positioners, the design of a mobilised workpiece positioner pays particular attention to safe use.

Available for a wide range of product capacities

Mobilised workpiece positioners can be used to handle products of various capacities, from hundreds of kilos to thousands of kilos. The solution is available for our entire workpiece positioner product family, whether you want an L-shaped JCL workpiece positioner, a JCP grill-type positioner, or a JCK simple-pole positioner.

The mobilised workpiece positioner is battery-powered and operated using a control panel. The device is suitable for normal factory conditions with a maximum fluctuation of 5cm in floor level. Use of the device does not require special skills, but naturally all of our deliveries also include user training provided by our experts.

Would you like to save time and hear more about mobilised workpiece positioners?

Contact us – we are happy to help you find the best possible solution for your company’s production!

Investment into increasing automation pays off – read these five benefits

Investment into increasing automation pays off – read these five benefits

Investment into increasing automation pays off – read these five benefits

Investment into increasing automation pays off – read these five benefits
The higher the level of production automation, the better human resources can be used to focus on tasks that require thought and planning rather than on manual and routine work. In practice, production can be fully automated, from material feeding to storage of the finished product. This means that people can focus mostly on developing and supervising production, and on programming robots; knowledge work that can be done more flexibly and in advance, and which provides the company with intellectual capital for developing business operations and competitive advantage.

Keeping up with ever-fiercer competition requires manufacturing industry companies to scale their production efficiently, sustainably, and in a controlled way without proportionately rising costs and investments in quality control. Welding automation can help to achieve this – below we’ve listed five reasons to invest in increasing production automation:

1) The need for labour does not increase as production rises

When material and information flows are optimally automated, people need only to ensure that the robots are programmed and that they have enough material to work with. Data is transferred between systems automatically, so information is always up to date in the warehouse management system. From a human resources perspective, this is positive not only because it decreases the need for third-shift and night workers, but also creates more jobs that generate business value as routine work moves towards programs, robotics, and planning.

2) Guaranteed investment profitability

The time it takes to deploy the solution and the investment’s repayment period always depend on how big of a step was taken in development. In any case, production will increase, as manufacturing may be several times more profitable after the investment. The most common deployment period for our welding automation systems is 2-3 months. During this period, the solution is further refined to meet the company’s production needs, and production is run at the target speed. After a year and a half, the investment will have paid itself back and begin to generate significant added value for profitability.

3) Capacity will rise in a sustainable and controlled way

The target capacity is affected by the current level of robotics and automation, and how big of a development step is being taken. In practice, it is possible to increase the level of welding automation significantly, but it is usually more sensible to divide it into parts so that support functions can be developed and staff can be trained in line with growth in a controlled way. Great leaps forward are also expensive investments. At the start of a project, we always begin with a discussion with the customer about the level of desired capacity and the kind of development step that is sensible to ensure that the investment generates sustainable growth for the company. Management should initiate this discussion within the company in advance as it creates a framework for the entire project. Based on the targets, we design a concept which we use to automate, robotise and develop production processes. The most important indicator for the solution we conceptualise is achieving the production target, and we guarantee this in full.

4) Quality improves and becomes consistent throughout production

A person can always flexibly adapt and change their behaviour as needed. That has its benefits, but it can also easily lead to misunderstandings, errors, and quality defects arising from a person’s skills, experience, or energy levels. Welding automation removes human factors and ensures that production and the finished product are always of consistent quality. Quality also simultaneously improves. In order for the robot to produce high-quality finished products, the robot must be fed with high-quality materials. The weld and repeatability accuracy improve as there are no fluctuations in gaps, welding angles or tack welds. The working process is also streamlined because the need for repairs and inspections decreases significantly.

5) Work ergonomics and occupational safety improve

The further you go with welding automation, the more people carry out knowledge work rather than manual and physical labour. Tasking robots with welding work, tack welding, and material collection decreases the human workload significantly, which in turn reduces occupational health issues caused by strenuous positions and heavy lifting.

Are you interested in hearing more about how to develop your production automation?

Automation deployment is always planned around the customer’s needs and point of departure. We have delivered light, partial robotisations as well as advanced, fully automated solutions for our customers.

Let us know how you want to develop your production and what kind of solution you’re looking for, and let’s sit down and talk about the possibilities!

Spreadheaded by welding automation, Jucat turns to the European market for growth

Spreadheaded by welding automation, Jucat turns to the European market for growth

Spreadheaded by welding automation, Jucat turns to the European market for growth

Spreadheaded by welding automation, Jucat turns to the European market for growth

“We have planned this for years. We’ve had international projects before, but they were always linked to our existing clients. Now, the time is ripe for starting export operations, and we head to the European market for new growth.”

This is how Jukka Rintala, Jucat CEO, starts the discussion on the company’s export plans. Companies are increasingly interested in finding ways to increase the efficiency of their production and improve their competitiveness. This reflects in sharply rising demand for high-grade welding robots that utilise advanced technology. As one of Finland’s leading manufacturers of automated production solutions, Jucat has taken note of this development. The spearhead of Jucat’s international sales is formed by comprehensive welding automation solutions with which the company aims to penetrate the markets of Sweden and Germany. Jucat’s innovative workpiece positioners serve as another flagship product.

“For the past few months, we have identified viable export countries and honed our export strategy. Marketing and sales activities are already underway, and we recruited Iiro Panula as a new expert to head the international sales operations. Now is the right time to hit the start button. At first, we will target our operations at clients similar to those we have in Finland, namely companies in the vehicle industry. Even though the full-scale operations won’t start until the turn of the year, we have already contacted potential clients and agreed on the first client meetings,” states Rintala on the planning and initiation of export operations.

Reciprocal benefits from close collaboration with ABB

Jucat has a strong standing among European competitors as the company is one of ABB’s Value Provider partners. Thus, future clients can expect high Finnish quality in addition to agile customer support and maintenance services in nearly all European countries as ABB’s local organisations will take care of the robotic systems’ maintenance. The collaboration is fruitful to ABB, too, as Jucat enables the provision of more complex high-quality welding automation systems to a larger group of potential clients.

“When a client wishes to purchase their second ABB robot, we are usually talking about a more complex system that requires a higher rate of automation. This is where Jucat steps in as ABB’s partner. Our aim is to help companies increase the efficiency of their production by automating and robotising welding processes,” explains Sales Manager Panula.

The mood is high at Jucat’s office and future export projects are eagerly anticipated. Jucat’s operating model has never been marked by stagnation. Rather, new development and growth opportunities have been looked for actively. Internationalisation is not only a new page in the company’s story but also a lengthy step towards the company’s growth objectives. According to CEO Rintala, Jucat will primarily invest in profitable and sustainable growth.

“We have worked tirelessly to ensure the success of our export operations, but only at the start of the year will the work truly begin. We will not aim for quick profit. Instead, we will first lay a solid foundation on which we can build sustainable business. We expect reasonable sales over the course of the next year, but we place our highest expectations on the year 2023. By that time, the foundation will have been established and sales can be pressed on at full throttle.”

Export operations headed by a new sales manager specialised in international trade

As part of the internationalisation project, Iiro Panula was recruited as Jucat’s new sales manager whose primary objective is to place Jucat products on the international market. Panula has graduated with a double degree from Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences and Sanda University, and he has previously acted in sales positions in finance and investment as well as headed a software company sales team specialised on the Swedish market.

Panula has kept an eye on Jucat’s growth for a long time, and when the international sales manager opening was announced, he seized the opportunity.

“I saw the opening at Jucat as an opportunity to progress my career. In Jucat’s products, everything falls in place. Marketing them is a pleasure because when selling a Jucat solution, I can be confident about satisfying the client and providing them with genuine added value. As a fringe benefit, I am welcomed in a pleasant work community and get to participate in active teamwork.”

In the manufacturing industry, competition becomes stronger by the day. Today, companies are particularly burdened by increased raw material costs and difficulties in acquiring competent workforce. This creates a challenging environment for improving competitiveness.

“Production must be stepped up. It is the only way to stay ahead of the competition. Welding automation solutions enable multiplied production rates. A robot can work 24/7, and days off or quarantines won’t be a problem. Automation provides stability and enables improved competitiveness in a changing world,” Panula sums up on the modern business challenges and Jucat’s solutions to them.

What would Panula like to say to potential clients?

“If you have any plans on automating your production, be sure contact us, no matter where you are. We’ll see what we can do for you!”

Are you looking for a solution to automate your production and welding? Contact Iiro and tell us more about your situation!

Iiro Panula
+358 50 566 4117

Fight tough with tough! Jucat’s advanced positioners boost competitive ability in increasingly competitive markets

Fight tough with tough! Jucat’s advanced positioners boost competitive ability in increasingly competitive markets

Fight tough with tough! Jucat’s advanced positioners boost competitive ability in increasingly competitive markets

Fight tough with tough! Jucat’s advanced positioners boost competitive ability in increasingly competitive markets

Faster production and tougher competition. These aren’t just phenomena anymore; they are a daily occurrence in the manufacturing industry and machine workshops. We’ve kept this in mind when developing our positioners. Their most important purpose is to increase our customers’ competitive ability. You don’t achieve this by focusing on just one aspect and neglecting other areas. Our positioners are used to simultaneously develop four factors that significantly affect competitive ability with immediate results: boosting production, maintaining high quality in all areas, cutting costs, and improving ergonomics.

What do our customers think of our positioners, what kinds of solutions have we implemented for them, and what makes our positioners so efficient and advanced that we issue a productivity guarantee for them? This article will deal with each point in detail.

Case examples: Wärtsilä, Outotec Turula, and Valmet

Our positioners have increased the productivity of our customers’ work by 30–40%, and in some cases by significantly more. Their benefits are clearest in companies which handle objects weighing in excess of 1,000 kilograms. When those companies replace their crane with a positioner, production increases significantly.

Numerous companies trust in our positioners, including Wärtsilä, Outotec Turula, and Valmet.


Our now lengthy collaboration with Wärtsilä began with rather small projects, which gradually became larger and larger. Our latest positioner delivery was customised fully to meet Wärtsilä’s needs, and design was carried out together with Wärtsilä’s production development team. The project saw the partial automation of a previously manual positioner, and it rotates an axle using a selected program. In the future, the aim is to fully automate the crank axle assembly, which was also kept in mind when designing a new, special positioner.

”“The solution designed by Jucat has increased efficiency because we can now do more at once, and more quickly. Work ergonomics have also improved noticeably.” Project manager Jussi Laulaja, Wärtsilä.

Outotec Turula

We have delivered several fully customised positions for Outotec Turula. Turula’s production handles some seriously large objects. Previously we delivered a grill-type positioner that can handle up to 32,000kg. Our last project converted the old grill positioner into two L-type positioners. The new positioners can each handle objects weighing up to 10,000kg. Our positioners have provided many benefits for Outotec Turula’s production.

“Using cranes, objects are always turned in 90% steps, so the product is not always in the optimal position with regard to welding. Using positioners, objects to be welded can be rotated without steps, so they are always in an optimal position for welding. The devices make it much easier and precise to handle the objects, and this is clearly reflected in occupational safety, quality, and productivity.” Factory manager Markus Mutanen, Outotec Turula.


We delivered several different types of positioner solution for Valmet’s Jyväskylä site. Valmet’s aim was to increase the productivity and safety of the manufacturing process, not forgetting ergonomics. We responded by customising dedicated positioners for different sizes and product families, paying particular attention to the device’s technical level, which makes a safe and ergonomic work environment possible.

Positioner delivered to Wärtsilä

The innovative features of Jucat’s positioners are in a league of their own

What makes our positioners so effective and unique? The answer lies in careful product design that gives our positioners unrivalled features.

Safety and ergonomics
  • Thanks to the speed adjustment function, lifting and lowering can be carried out softly at a lower speed. The speed can be increased once the load has been lifted to a safe height. It is also possible to adjust the speed at which the device rotates.
  • The piece is fully attached to the device. Both ends of the piece move simultaneously during lifting and lowering, with no wobbling.
  • Collision thresholds can be saved in the positioner.
  • The piece can easily be turned to a suitable angle for working, and can be lifted or lowered to a suitable height for individual employees.
  • All welding can be carried out optimally in the flat position.
Boosting production
  • The programmable work cycle can be programmed for several points, and in the desired work order; our positioners always automatically turn the object to the correct position.
  • Production becomes more efficient as all work phases are carried out in an optimal position and at the optimal height for each employee at the touch of a button.
  • Our positioners allow for work to be stopped and continued later on from exactly the same point.
  • In addition to their large lifting capacity, they also have high rotational torque.
  • You can start handling an object much more quickly with a positioner than with a crane.
  • Jucat positioners are typically in full production use on the work day immediately following installation.
  • In our experience, production increases by at least 30-40% with our positioners.
Cost savings and improved quality
  • The programmable work cycle and the device automation mean that no time is spent trying to find a suitable working angle – resulting in a shorter turnaround for projects. Work is also of the same quality regardless of who carried it out, as everyone carries out each work phase from the same angle.
  • The possibility of carrying out all welding work effectively in the flat position means that the result is of a more even quality and work takes place more quickly.
  • When work ergonomics and safety are in order, unnecessary absences due to illness decrease.
  • Our positioners prevent damage and dangerous situations from occurring as a result of objects swinging or slipping. Collision thresholds means that the positioners will not collide with other devices or structures.
  • A positioner typically repays itself within one year, and sometimes in a single project.

The advantages that come from using our positioners benefit not only the company that uses the device, but also its employees, and its customers. Production projects have a shorter turnaround, more consistent results, and are employee-friendly.

Increased production efficiency, a more consistent result, cost savings, and improvements in ergonomics are achieved in production immediately after deploying one of our positioners. Thanks to our advanced and efficient planning and production processes, we take full responsibility for our solutions and give them productivity guarantees – that’s how confident we are of our positioners’ benefits.

Are you interested in buying or hiring a Jucat positioner? Contact us and let’s map your needs together!

Positioner delivered to Outotec Turula.

A fully automated welding robot can multiply a company’s productivity

A fully automated welding robot can multiply a company’s productivity

A fully automated welding robot can multiply a company’s productivity

A fully automated welding robot can multiply a company’s productivity

Recent developments in welding processes have set profitability challenges for companies who rely on traditional welding methods. Today, production is undergoing automation at an accelerating pace, which puts companies who carry out work manually in an unfavourable position.

To retain profitability, companies need to make investments that temporarily take them out of their comfort zone but can generate results in just a few months.

When we use robots in welding, we can not only improve product quality and the company’s profitability, but also free up human resources for work that requires more thought.

However, there’s no need to jump straight from traditional, manual welding to an army of automated robots; just a traditional robot welding station can improve your productivity several times over. There’s a suitable solution for every company, regardless of the details of your mass-produced products.

Manual welding requires time and precision

In fully manual welding, smaller objects are measured and positioned by hand. During welding, the object is kept on a table or on the floor, depending on its size, and it is turned and moved by hand or using a hoist, again depending on its size. In practice, manual measuring, welding and positioning require extreme precision and take time, and the result depends greatly on the welder and working conditions.

Welding jigs and workpiece positioners accelerate positioning and turning the objects, which makes the entire process more efficient. An object that takes two hours to weld by hand could be welded in just one hour using a jig. Workpiece positioners meanwhile improve efficiency as well as occupational safety and ergonomics, because the risks of occupational accidents decrease significantly. The device also turns objects more efficiently than humans can, which speeds up the work by around 45%.

Although jigs and positioners help in production, they do not sufficiently improve a company’s competitive advantage. The move to a traditional welding robot station is one good way to take your production’s manual welding to the next level.

Robot welding station removes variables and makes production more efficient overall

The greatest benefit to robot welding is a standardised process and the removal of variables that result from manual work. Objects that are to be robot-welded are placed in welding jigs and positioned without separate measurement. The object is attached to the welding bracket on the robot’s table and welded in the bracket. In traditional robot welding, a person puts the objects in place, removes them after welding, and selects the correct welding program depending on the object that is being handled. There are usually two people: operator 1 collects the product components and tack welds them using jigs for robot welding, and operator 2 changes the products, selects a program and runs the cell.

In a standardised process, the robot always performs welding according to a pre-set program. This significantly reduces the impact of human factors on the result. It is also several times more efficient. With manual welding, an average of 1 kilogramme of consumables can be melted per hour, but using robots, up to 10 kilos of consumables can be melted per hour.

A multirobot cell elevates a company’s competitive advantage to an international level

When we talk about utilising robots in welding processes, we’re referring to solutions that serve companies of all sizes. In Finland, the majority of companies which utilise robots in welding are still at a point where human labour comprises a significant share of production. By fully automating production, we can free people up for tasks that develop business operations more quickly. This is possible using multirobot cells.

A multirobot cell contains one or more positioner robots and a welding robot, various FMS conveyors that handle material logistics, and perhaps machine vision and laser seam finding/tracking to aid the process. Laser seam finding quickly finds various surfaces and starting points, and then laser seam tracking handles the repair in real time. This always ensures the best possible welding quality. If there are two robots in a welding cell with one welding and the other handling the objects to be welded, machine vision can be used to show whether the parts are always in the correct place and position.

Everything takes place automatically in these cells. The product pallet is fed onto the FMS conveyor in the cell, which automatically attaches to the robot table. A material pallet consisting of objects that are to be welded in the warehouse or supplier premises is also placed on the conveyor, and the positioner robot will pick them one by one and place them on the product pallet. The welding robot tack welds and welds the pieces, which are then transported away from the cell using the FMS conveyor.

The station can be run without operator supervision, and so it is fully automated without a person touching the object at all during production. And as the process is always the same, the product manufacturing site no longer has any impact on the result.

The investment will repay itself in as quickly as 18 months.

Precise calculations on the increase in productivity depend fully on the company, raw materials, welders, and the company’s capacity to deploy the new station. If the company does not have any experience with robot welding, it’s worthwhile to first switch to robot welding, and only then move to multirobot cells later on. This will make the transition easier.

An investment into a robot welding station normally pays itself back in around 1.5 – 3 years. Use of the new station will initially require some learning and incorporation of the processes into daily work, which naturally demands some mental resources from employees. Productivity of a new station is often initially around 40%, but it will rise to a full 100% within around four months, depending on the company’s capacity and expertise. Multirobot cells can achieve their full productivity in around six months. To reiterate, the company’s capacity and previous experience with robots always determines the period of time it will take to realise the productivity calculations.

Customised robot solutions can get even more out of the increased efficiency. We’ve noticed that customised robot welding stations have generally improved companies’ productivity by up to 70%, which is a significant increase in profitability.

Jucat offers top-tier robot solutions in collaboration with ABB Robotics

Jucat Oy and ABB Oy Robotics have cooperated closely on robot solutions since 2014, and in 2019, Jucat became an ABB Value Provider Partner. As a result of the cooperation, we have been able to offer our customers a wider range of automation solutions with which we can significantly boost production quality, safety, and productivity.

ABB Oy Robotics delivers what are referred to as standard welding stations directly to customers. Jucat meanwhile delivers larger and customised welding stations that can handle masses of up to 30,000kg. The stations often also use a range of Hi-Tech features, such as laser seam finding and tracking, and machine vision. For customised stations, Jucat comprehensively handles the stations’ project management, design, and delivery to the customer. ABB meanwhile supplies the robot device components for stations designed by Jucat.

Collaboration also includes mutual sales support and simulations, especially for 3D modelling. The cooperation has increased our geographical reach and we can now better serve international customers with deliveries and maintenance.

Jucat offers tailormade solutions for your robot welding needs

  • Designed and assembled by Jucat
  • Different welding techniques
  • Different levels of automation
  • Using ABB Robotics